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Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 Class Page.  

Curriculum Information for Parents and Carers – Year 5 Summer Term 2024

The Summer Term is here and we would like to share with you a summary of what your child will be learning in class.  We would also like to share some ways that you can support your child at home.

Detailed information about the topics can be found in the Knowledge Organisers at the bottom of this page.  The Knowledge Organisers contain the key vocabulary and learning for each topic and you can look at these with your child over the course of the term. 


Summer Half Term 1: Our class text will be How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell.  During our English lessons, we will be analysing characters carefully and will retell the story from different perspectives.  We will also write instructions using a wide range of vocabulary and organisational devices.  Throughout the half term, we will be relating the text to our history learning by comparing it to Norse Myths and Legends.

Summer Half Term 2: Our class text will be Michael Morpurgo’s The Giant’s Necklace.  During our English lessons, we will be converting a narrative into a playscript.  We will also be writing a persuasive text linked to our Geography topic.


Statistics: We will learn to create, interpret and complete line graphs and tables.

Perimeter and Area: We will learn to estimate and calculate the area and perimeter of regular and compound shapes.

Geometry: We will identify 3-D shapes, including cubes and other cuboids, from 2-D representations.  We will distinguish between regular and irregular polygons based on reasoning about equal sides and angles.  We will estimate and compare acute, obtuse and reflex angles.  We will draw given angles and measure them in degrees.

Properties of Shapes: We will use the properties of rectangles to deduce related facts and find missing lengths and angles.

Position and Direction: We will identify, describe and represent the position of a shape following reflection or translation.

Measurement: We will convert between different units of metric measure and solve problems converting between units of time.  The children will also estimate and measure volume and capacity.


Summer Half Term 1: We will learn about Pentecost and make links to show how feelings and beliefs about the use of transforming energy affects our behaviour and that of others.  We will also describe and show an understanding of the transformational power of the Holy Spirit through the scripture accounts of The Road to Emmaus and Saul’s transformation.

In our Other Faiths topic, we will learn about Hinduism and will explore how religious belief shapes the way some people live out their lives and look at special festivals.

Summer Half Term 2: We will learn about the Universal Church.  We will be able to make links to show how feelings and beliefs about caring for the earth affect their own behaviour and that of others.


Summer Half Term 1: This half term, we will be learning about unbalanced forces.  We will be suggesting which variables will be changed, measured and controlled.  We will be making and explaining decisions about what observations to make and how long to make them for.  We will be writing a method that includes details about how to ensure control variables are kept the same and a method that considers reliability by planning repeated readings.  We will also be suggesting the most appropriate equipment to make observations and measurements and justifying their choices.

Summer Half Term 2: In the next half term, we will be looking at Animals with particular focus on the Human timeline.


We will be learning about The Vikings and considering the reasons why they raided and then settled in Britain.


In Geography, we will be looking at deserts.  We will be identifying the characteristics of a hot desert biome.  We will name and identify the physical features of a desert and explain how humans use a desert.  We will also be looking at the threats that deserts have.


In Computing, we will be learning about stop motion animation where we will be storyboarding ideas, taking photographs and editing to create a video animation.  In the second half term, we will be learning about potential online dangers and safety.


In the summer term, we will learn the vocabulary for different sports and to express opinions on them.  We will also cover how to form numbers from 70 to 100.  In readiness for the month of May, we will learn to recite the Hail Mary in French.


Summer Half Term 1: We will be developing our Music Technology skills using Bandlab, with a particular focus on recording in tracks using the midi software.

Summer Half Term 2: We will be preparing for the School Production!


Athletics: We will think about how to achieve our greatest possible speed, height, distance or accuracy and learn how to persevere to achieve our personal best.  We will learn how to improve by identifying areas of strength as well as areas to develop in preparation for the KS2 Sports Day.

Swimming: We will focus on swimming more fluently and with increased confidence and control.

Cricket: We will develop our fielding skills, in particular using a long and short barrier, deep and close catching, and underarm and overarm throwing.  We will work on overarm bowling and our batting technique.


This term, we will be learning about portraits.  We will use mixed media to produce different portraits.  We will focus on using different materials for the background.

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, we will be making, in groups, a bridge that is well finished.  We will identify strong and weak shapes and identify strong shapes that will support their bridges.  We will identify the different parts of a bridge and use triangles to produce simple truss bridges.  We will be developing cutting and smoothing skills using a saw and sandpaper.

RHSE (Relationship, Health and Sex Education)

In RHE this term, we will learn about our bodies and the physical changes that take place during puberty.  We will also understand that good choices regarding rest, sleep, exercise, personal hygiene and diet will have a positive impact on our health.

Information will be sent to parents ahead of the RHE sessions.

Educational Visits

Barnes Literary Festival on 20th May 2024.  

How you can help your child at home

  • Daily reading and questioning your child about what has been read.
  • Providing support for half term projects.
  • Times tables practice if your child is not confident up to 12 x 12.