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Weekly Update 19th May 2023

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

This morning we gave a big St Elizabeth’s send off to our twenty-seven PTA cyclists (Mr Sagar included) who are on their way to Swansea, raising money for the school. Mgr Bill joined us to give them a special blessing before they set off on their journey. Please do sponsor them if you are able at The money raised will be used to develop a brand new food and technology space in school which will benefit all pupils.

We wish the cyclists the best of luck and look forward to welcoming them back during the May Fair on Sunday

Ascension Day Mass

Our KS2 children went to Mass yesterday for the Feast of the Ascension. The children from Y6T prepared the prayers and readings and the schola sang beautifully. Thank you to Mgr Bill and the parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Peace for welcoming us so warmly.

Vocal Concert

On Wednesday evening our three choirs performed along with a large number of individual singers in the vocal concert. Every single child sang so well in front of an audience in the hall which was full to capacity. The talent and the confidence of the children was really impressive!

May Fair – 12 to 4pm Sunday 21st May

Excitement is building for the May Fair on Sunday! Thank you for all your donations for the stalls and your offers of help on the day. The PTA have been working extremely hard behind the scenes to ensure the fair runs smoothly and it promises to be a fantastic day.

We have spoken to the children in assembly about looking after the school during the fair. We particularly want to increase our waste recycling this year, so please look out for the three bin stations and put your litter in the correct bin. We also reminded children that the school building and back of school and KS1 playground are out of bounds during the fair. The exceptions to this are the Y4 toilets and the Animal Experience in Y3 which are accessed through the Junior entrance door.

Walk to School Week

Thank you for your support for Walk to School Week. Thankfully the weather has been kind and we have seen a significant reduction in car journeys and cars parking in our immediate area over the week. Hopefully this is a change that families may continue over the remainder of the Summer Term. The Junior Travel Officers are currently totalling up the score and will announce the winning class with the most active travel journeys next week.

Linked to this, we would like to remind parents about safety when crossing the roads with children on their way to and from school. We have had a couple of reports of unaccompanied children stepping into the road or being far ahead of parents. Queen’s Road is very busy and visibility is often limited due to buses and traffic congestion. Please always use the pedestrian crossing and keep your younger children near you.

Reception Farm Visit

On Wednesday the Reception children went on their first class visit by coach to Bocketts Farm. They thoroughly enjoyed the day and listed the tractor ride, feeding the goats, cows and horses, stroking the baby chicks, looking at the alpacas’ teeth, and playing in the playground among the highlights!

Sports Update from Mr Sagar

It has been a dramatic week of football for the boys’ team who played in both the quarter finals and semi-finals of the Borough League Cup after a successful season winning the league undefeated.

On Monday, the team travelled to Heathfield School, where a tense game went to extra time and penalties. St Elizabeth's boys held their nerve to win as Albert saved a penalty and they put one wide. The next day the boys travelled to Queen's School. This turned out to be another epic game. St Elizabeth's went one nil down, then missed a penalty. It was end to end stuff with great passing and last ditch defending from both teams. Mid-way through the second half, St Elizabeth's were 2 - 1 up. As full-time approached, Queen's scored an equaliser and the game went into extra time. Having played two games in two days the boys were feeling the strain and eventually Queen’s went on to score several more times. The game was played in good spirit and the boys should be extremely proud of their achievements. After all they are currently the Borough Tournament Champions!

Upcoming Dates

Monday 22nd May - Y4 and Y5 Visit to Baitul Futuh Mosque, Morden

Next week is Other Faiths week in school and our assemblies and RE lessons will focus on Islam. Our Y4 and Y5 pupils will be visiting Baitul Futuh Mosque where they will have a guided tour to learn about the importance of the mosque to the Islamic community.

Tuesday 23rd May - Orchestra Day with local area schools

Wednesday 24th May - Y3 Visit to the British Museum

On Wednesday our Y3 children will be visiting the British Museum as part of their History topic on Egyptians.

Friday 25th May 3:15pm – Half-term holiday begins

School returns on Tuesday 6th June

Million Word Reader

Congratulations to Maxim in Y3 for becoming a Million Word Reader!

Values Awards

Well done to the following children who have displayed our school values this week:

Y1 Paloma

Y2 Eureka

Y3 Sebastian

Y5 Daniel

Y6A Eliza

Y6T Ciaran

Have a lovely weekend and see you at the May Fair!

Jane Hines