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Weekly Update 26th May 2023

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

Y6 School Visits this week

It has been a fantastic week for our Y6 children with many new and memorable experiences!

A group of our Y6 pupils took part in a three-day residential visit to the Isle of Wight staying at Little Canada PGL. The children experienced many new outdoor and adventurous activities, such as abseiling, climbing and various problem solving challenges. Our staff team have all been immensely proud of our children's ability to respond to the challenges with courage, teamwork and enthusiasm.

Another group of Y6 pupils had three special days visiting the London Eye, the London Sea Life Aquarium and Chessington World of Adventures. The children also enjoyed seeing the matinee performance of ‘The Lion King’ at the Lyceum Theatre.

As they prepare to transition to secondary school, this week showed what an impressive group of children they really are and a great credit to our school and their families. Finally, thank you sincerely to our staff team for leading these visits and enabling our children to have these opportunities.

Study of Other Faiths: Islam

As part of our study of Other Faiths within RE, the children are learning about Islam. On Monday, our Y4 and Y5 pupils took part in a guided tour around Baitul Futuh Mosque. The children learnt about the history of the mosque and how it is used today for the community. They were given a very warm welcome by their guides who commented on their excellent questions.

We also had an assembly this week led by Mrs Saday, our staff member, who explained to the children about the main beliefs of Islam and the importance of prayer.

Our whole school study of Islam will continue after half-term with a child-led assembly and class presentations.

Y3 to the British Museum

On Wednesday, our Y3 pupils visited the British Museum. The children said that they really enjoyed seeing the Egyptian Mummies for themselves after learning about them in class.

Richmond Music Trust Orchestra Day

On Tuesday, 17 children from our School Orchestra participated in an ‘Orchestra Day’ led by Richmond Music Trust. This was a fantastic opportunity as our musicians both learnt and performed pieces with other children within the borough. It was such a celebration of instrumental musicality!

Thank you from our PTA Chair

What a phenomenal success the May Fair was! The atmosphere on the day was full of warmth and happiness, our stalls were a sell-out and the animal enclosure was a real highlight!

We exceeded all our expectations and made a staggering £20,563.61. This includes an incredible £9,246 from our amazing cyclists ... and this figure keeps on rising! This is a truly amazing amount and will help to fund a new Technology Room at St Elizabeth's.

The PTA team have taken on new responsibilities this year, and have worked to make their role as efficient and cost effective as possible, and with our Class Reps, we can’t thank them enough. Thank you also to school staff for all their help and support; this is greatly appreciated.

My very best wishes to everyone for a relaxing and sunny half term ... and please put our final PTA event in your diary which is our end of year BBQ on Friday 7th July. We look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you once again,

Liza Maxwell

PTA Chair

Upcoming Dates

Monday 5th June Staff Training Day (INSET). School closed.

Tuesday 6th June Pupils return to school.

Thursday 8th June Y3 & Y4 swimming sessions second half term

Friday 9th June Individual School Photographs

Wednesday 14th June Y6 EV to Globe Theatre ‘Macbeth’ workshop

Monday 19th June Y5 EV to Barnes Literature Festival

Tuesday 20th June KS1 Sports Day

Thursday 22nd June Y4 EV to Barnes Literature Festival

Friday 23rd June Y6 Drug awareness workshop

Thursday 29th June St Peter & St Paul Mass

Reading Cup Winners

Congratulations to Y3 and Mrs Sheridan and Mrs Frosdick who are the winners of the Reading Cup for this last half term. Well done!

Important Safety Notice – Nursery and School

The Nursery team request that children from school and their siblings do not play with equipment in the nursery playground before and at the end of the school day. School are not permitted to use nursery equipment, including the slide and house. They also request that children do not eat snacks in the Nursery playground.

Please also ensure that your child does not scoot or cycle on the school playgrounds, before and after school. This is for their safety, and for the safety of others. Thank you for your co-operation.

Wishing you all a lovely half term week and we look forward to seeing the children on Tuesday 6th June.

Kind regards,

Jane Hines