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Weekly Update 6th October 2023

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

Brighten Up for Harvest

It was lovely to see the children coming into school today in colourful clothes as they ‘brightened up for harvest’. Thank you for your donations of food. These will be taken to Richmond Foodbank and our KS1 Choir will also take some of the sweet treats to the Greville House Care Home residents when they go over to sing there this afternoon.

National Poetry Day

Well done to our budding poets who have been busy writing poems for National Poetry Day this week. Some of these were shared in assembly today and they are now all on display in the school hall.

Y5 Assembly

Y5 led the school in prayer beautifully yesterday morning. The children looked at ways in which they had lived the School Values, both in and outside of school. They also presented the research they had carried out into the lives of people, who they felt demonstrated our school values – a very inspirational assembly!

Painting Aprons – help needed

Our stock of painting shirts is getting low in school. Please could you send an old shirt into school for your child to wear when doing art activities. The shirt needs to be big enough to cover your child’s uniform. If you have more than one shirt to donate, we would be very grateful to receive these. Thank you.

A plea from the nursery

We are fortunate that the we are able to use the nursery playground at drop off and pick up times. We would like to remind you however that children must not play on or with nursery equipment at these times. The school and nursery equipment is for use under supervision during the school day only. Miss Delia has also asked us to remind parents not to give children snacks in the nursery playground which can cause litter. Instead, we would ask all parents to save snacks until the children have left the school grounds. Thank you for your co-operation.

Upcoming events

Reception Phonics Workshop

On Tuesday 10th October at 9am there will be a Phonics workshop for Reception parents. Mrs Goldsmith will explain how we teach the children the phonic sounds and how this builds into early reading. It is a great way for parents to learn how we say the sounds in school and how you can support at home.

World Mental Health Day Coffee Morning

To mark World Mental Health Day which takes place next week, on Thursday 12th October at 9:00am, we will be hosting a coffee morning and parents’ talk. The theme of the talk is ‘Helping Children with Anxiety and Resilience’ and will be led by a member of the Mental Health Support Team who support children in school. Please do come along and join us.

Tuesday 10th October - Y3 Educational Visit to Kew Gardens

Thursday 12th October 6pm – PTA Bingo – do come along and join the fun. This is a family event for parents and children.

Tuesday 17th October - Y5 Zoom Liturgy with local Catholic schools

Friday 20th October 3:30pm - PTA Cake sale

Friday 20th October - Mgr Bill to talk to Y6 regarding holy orders and vocations.

And finally, attendance in school for the past week was 98.2% - well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend,

Jane Hines