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Weekly Update 7th June 2024

Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...

Dear Parents and Carers,

Y6 School Residential to Osmington Bay

Our Y6 children have had a fantastic time on their residential visit this week - a chance to have fun, try new skills and challenge themselves after all their hard work this term.

The children spent three beautifully sunny days at Osmington Bay PGL Centre in Dorset where they tried archery, fencing and buggy-building amongst other activities. The highlight of the visit however has to be the paddle boarding where the children rode giant paddle boards in teams at the Weymouth and Portland Sailing School.

Our staff team have all been very proud of the children's ability to respond to the challenges with courage, teamwork and enthusiasm.

Huge thanks goes to our staff team, for giving their time generously to give the Y6’s such amazing, unforgettable experiences. The children and staff should all sleep well tonight!

This week in school

‘Science Fortnight’

We have planned a busy and exciting two weeks of Science activities on the theme of ‘Connections to our World’, which we are sure to spark our children’s enthusiasm for scientific enquiry and create some budding scientists! We are especially excited to share that four of our ducklings have already hatched!

Please do read the ParentMail sent this week with more information about our Science Fortnight.

Sports Update from Mr Sagar and Mrs Knowles

Well done to our Y5 athletics team, who took part in Borough Sports at St Mary’s University. They competed in a number of track and field events against teams from other primary schools and represented St Elizabeth's very well.

Congratulations also to Matthew and Ollie in Y6, who both competed in a gala to qualify for the London Schools Swimming Association finals. Good luck to Matthew who qualified for the 50m breastroke final, which will be held later this month. Well done to our swimmers for their hard work!

Upcoming Events


11th a.m. Y2 visit to Holly Lodge Richmond Park: Plants Workshop

12th a.m. Y3 to Twickenham and Thames Valley Beekeepers’ Association

13th 9:10 a.m. Assembly led by Reception - Parents & Carers invited

13th 11:00 a.m. Y6 & Y3 swimming sessions second half term

19th 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Y6 Orange Tree Theatre Shakespeare workshop

24th a.m. Y6 Choices workshop

28th 1:30 p.m. Y6 visit to Orange Tree for performance of Hamlet

Values Awards this week

Congratulations to the following children who have received Values Awards this week.

Reception: Alperen

Y1: Justin

Y2: Valentina and Mason

Y3: Georgia and Harriet

Y4: Maxim

Y5: Ava and Esme

Million Word Readers

Congratulations to Antonia in Y2 who has read an amazing 1 million words. Well done!

Reading Cup

Congratulations to Y4 and Miss McCrossan, who are winners of the Reading Cup for the last half term.

Attendance this week

Whole school attendance this week is 97.17%. Congratulations to Y4 for having the highest attendance this week with 100%! This is closely followed by Y3 who has 98.33% attendance.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Jane Hines