Weekly Update 4th October 2024
Read our newsletter to find out what has been happening in school this week and upcoming events ...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Highlights of this week
National Poetry Day – Guinness World Record Attempt
Yesterday was National Poetry Day and our Y3 and Y5 children participated in an online poetry workshop with poet Laura Mucha, to co-write a poem entitled "What do you think counts?" This was an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the largest ever poetry lesson (multi venue). Over 270,000 children registered from all around the world and the finished poem was shared with the school during assembly today. Please visit https://forwardartsfoundation.org/guinness-world-records-x-national-poetry-day/ to read the poem.
RE and Catholic Life
Gospel 'Celebration of The Word' assembly Key Scripture Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
In this week’s Gospel, we heard that Jesus' disciples were jealous of others carrying out God's work because they wanted to keep the power to heal to themselves. Jesus responded by emphasizing that His message of love and care was for everyone. The Pupil Chaplains shared with children a presentation about the work of CAFOD and highlighted that we are all made in God's image. The children were invited to consider ways that they could help their brothers and sisters who are in need, in the local community and in the world. The Pupil Chaplains are encouraging children to support CAFOD Harvest Fast Day and bringing in food items during Foodbank fortnight.
CAFOD Harvest Fast Day
Thank you very much for your donations to CAFOD. There is still opportunity to make your donation in your parishes this weekend or via the CAFOD website.
October is known as ‘The Month of the Rosary’, and on October 7th we will celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary with Pupil Chaplains leading the Rosary in each class. Pupil Chaplains are encouraging families to say the Rosary during the month of October. Children may also like to bring in Rosary beads from home to use in school.
Next Week
Parents’ Meetings on Tuesday 15th and Thursday 17th October
Parents will be able to book Parents’ Meeting appointments on Monday at 5pm. Please see the email that was sent out earlier today for details.
‘Children’s Mental Health Wear Yellow Day’
On Thursday 10th October we will be celebrating ‘Children’s Mental Health Wear Yellow Day’ in school. There will be a focus on how we can all look after our mental health and children are encouraged to wear something yellow to show that ‘we are brighter together’.
Wearing yellow is optional and children can wear any yellow item you have at home: a ribbon, a t-shirt with some yellow on, a hat etc. Please do not feel that you need to buy anything new for your child. We look forward to a bright yellow day in school!
PTA Calendar Photos
The class photographs for the PTA calendar are being taken on Friday 11th October. Your child should wear their normal school uniform or PE kit if they have PE on this day.
Parents’ Coffee Morning hosted by Mrs Compton and Mrs Diver
There will be a Parents’ Coffee Morning on Friday 11th October at 9am. Mrs Compton and Mrs Diver will be hosting, with coffee and cakes in the Food Technology room. This will be followed by an information session about Emotional Regulation. This is a chance to meet other parents and also hear about ways to support your child’s mental health. Entrance to the Food Technology room is through the green gate by the Queen’s Road Gate. We look forward to seeing you there.
Good Neighbours
We would like to remind all our parents to park considerately in our local area. Please observe the zigzags and white lines which are there for safety, and never double park. The roads around school are congested and so please do consider parking further away and walking the last part of your journey.
Values Awards
Congratulations to the following children for receiving a Values Award this week:
Reception – Mateo J
Y1 – Barnaby
Y2 - Freddie
Y3 – Keon
Y4 - Szymon
Y5 - Honor
Y6 – Sam
Upcoming dates – please do check these each week as new dates are added
Thursday 10th All day ‘Children’s Mental Health Wear Yellow Day’
Friday 11th 9:00 a.m. Parents’ Coffee Morning (details to follow)
Friday 11th a.m. Class photographs to be taken for the PTA calendar
Tuesday 15th 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Parent / teacher meetings
Wednesday 16th All day Borough Tag Rugby tournament (Y6 & Y5)
Thursday 17th 9:30 a.m. Harvest Mass
Thursday 17th 3:30 - 6:30 p.m. Parent / teacher meetings
Thursday 17th a.m. Last swimming lesson for Y6 & Y4
Friday 18th 3:30 p.m. Infant Choir singing at Greville House
Wednesday 23rd p.m. PTA Bingo
Friday 25th 3:15 p.m. Half term holiday begins
Attendance this week
Whole school attendance this week is 98.2%. Congratulations to Y1 and Y5 for having the highest attendance this week with an amazing 100%.
Wishing you a lovely weekend,
Jane Hines