Attendance and Absence Reporting
At St Elizabeth’s, we are committed to high rates of attendance and punctuality, knowing that children attain best when they attend school every day.
Pupil attendance and punctuality is closely monitored internally by the school office in partnership with Local Authority Education Welfare Officers.
What impact does my child’s attendance have on their ability to achieve at school?
To give your child the best chance of achieving their best, they must attend school every day and arrive punctually. A child with an attendance rate of 90% misses a half day out of every school week. If this continues throughout school, by the time your child is in Year 11, he/she would have missed more than half of a school year!
What happens if my child does not attend regularly?
If children do not attend school regularly they will:
- Experience difficulty in settling and maintaining friendships.
- Develop gaps in their learning.
- Make less progress than their peers.
- Miss out on a variety of fun activities.
How is good attendance recognised?
We are committed to developing outstanding attendance patterns for all children. Children with excellent attendance throughout the year will receive an award in a special assembly at the end of the year.
How do I report my child’s absence?
If your child is unable to attend school, due to illness, please telephone the school office by 8:55 a.m. to report the absence. If you are unsure of whether to send your child to school, please send your child in. Often children get better when they arrive in school and see their friends. If your child becomes unwell, school will contact parents/carers.
What will happen if my child is often absent?
If your child is frequently absent, they will be identified as a Persistent Absentee. The school will work with the Education Welfare Officer from Achieving for Children and your child's attendance will be monitored on a daily basis. Parents will be invited in to school to discuss reasons for absence and to develop a plan to improve attendance.
What if I need to request an absence for exceptional reasons?
To request leave during term-time you will need to write a letter or email request to the Headteacher in advance of the absence. Any leave during term-time can only be authorised by the Headteacher. It is policy only to grant leave for exceptional reasons and supporting evidence is needed. Examples of exceptional reasons are the funeral of a close relative or a temporary change in accommodation. Holiday requests will not be authorised.