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Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 Class Page.  

Curriculum Information for Parents and Carers – Year 3 Summer Term 2024

The Summer Term is here and we would like to share with you a summary of what your child is learning in class. We would also like to share some ways that you can support your child at home.

Detailed information about the topics can be found in the Knowledge Organisers at the bottom of this page.  The Knowledge Organisers contain the key vocabulary and learning for each topic and you can look at these with your child over the course of the term. 


In English, we will first be reading Mouse, Bird, Snake, Wolf by David Almond and then African Tales, A Barefoot Collection by Gcina Mhlophe and Rachel Griffin.  We will be focusing on writing in role as a character, writing a one-sided argument, writing a non-chronological report on the Egyptians, writing a story from a character’s perspective, writing a newspaper report and visualising scenes from a story to include in our own narrative writing.

In grammar, we will be focusing on speech punctuation and apostrophes.

We will practise writing using the school handwriting style focusing on letter shape, size and joins with the aim of using this writing style in all our writing.

Our spellings will focus on spelling patterns which use suffixes (word endings), words with a short ‘u’ sound spelt ‘o’ or ‘ou’, word families based on common words where words are related in form and meaning, words with silent letters, and some of the statutory (tricky) spelling words.


In Mathematics, we will be focusing on deepening our knowledge of fractions.  We will be learning about mass and capacity, money, time, shape, and statistics.  We will continue to deepen our knowledge of the x2, x5, x10, x3, x4 and x8 times tables, as well as divide by each of these numbers.


In RE, we will be using our knowledge from the topics to link to the scriptures used and our prayers.  The children will lead class liturgies.  In our Pentecost topic on Energy, we will be exploring fire and wind, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the stories of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus and how we can serve others.  In our Eucharist topic on Listening and Sharing, we explore the parts of the Eucharist celebration, in particular the importance of listening to God’s Words in the readings and the sharing of communion. 

In our final topic Universal Church – the World, we explore Special Places.  We will find out about special places for Jesus and the Christian Community, including pilgrimage and places of worship.  In our work on Other Faiths, we will be studying Hinduism and how Hindu people worship.


In Science, we will be learning about plant reproduction.  We will identify the parts and function of a flowering plant.  We will explore water transportation in plants and evaluate an enquiry.  We will then be learning about a scientist and how we can look after our environment.


In History, we will be exploring the Ancient Egyptians.  We will look at Ancient Egyptian beliefs including Egyptian Gods, the pyramids, mummification and the Book of the Dead.


In Geography, we will be exploring settlements.  We will find out what a settlement is and use maps to locate places in the UK.  As part of our fieldwork, we will explore the use of land in our local area and how it has changed over time and then compare this with the use of land in another country.


In Computing, we will first be looking at Video Trailers including how to use storyboards, film and edit.  We will then look at Comparison Card Data bases.  We will look at records, cards and data and explore sorting and filtering.  We will continue to deepen our knowledge of online safety by looking at fake news and privacy settings.


In French, we will build on our knowledge of numbers and months to ask and say our ages and birthdays.  We will also learn the words for 12 main colours and some well-known domestic animals.


Summer Half Term 1: We will be studying the instruments of the Orchestra.

Summer Half Term 2: We will be building upon our knowledge of orchestral instruments through the study of Prokofiev’s ‘Peter and the Wolf’.


Netball: We will learn the basic skills of throwing, catching, pivoting and shooting in the game of netball.

Athletics: We will develop basic running, jumping and throwing techniques in preparation for sports day.

Swimming: We will be introduced to specific swimming strokes on our front and back.  We will learn how to travel, float and submerge with increasing confidence.


In Art, we will be looking at Ancient Egyptian scrolls.

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, we will be looking at seasonal foods.

RHSE (Relationship, Health and Sex Education)

In RHE, we will be looking at our relationships with friends and family.  We will find out about the church, a community of love and how to love others.

Educational Visits

As part of our Science topic this term, the children will be visited by The Zoolab on 8th May 2024 for a workshop on 'Rainforest Discovery'.  

Our geography fieldwork will involve exploring our local area within walking distance of our school.

Science Fortnight will be the week commencing 4th June 2024.

How you can help your child at home

  • Reading daily and talking about the book - recalling what has happened.
  • Helping with Maths homework and learning times tables.
  • Helping children with weekly spellings.
  • Providing support with half termly projects.
  • Lots of talking! This helps build understanding of the world around us, as well as vocabulary.